Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba

Worship Vitthala by chanting,
For Vitthala is Krishna the protector and leader of the good Pandavas,
Living as the divine incarnation Sai Baba in Puttaparthi,
Incarnated before that as Baba from Shirdi. So worship Vitthala by chanting.

Verehrt Sai Vitthala mit Gesang,
Denn Vitthala ist Krishna, der Beschützer und Anführer der guten Pandavas,
Der als die göttliche Inkarnation Sai Baba in Puttaparthi wohnt
Und zuletzt als Baba von Shirdi inkarniert war. Lobsingt also Vitthala.

  • audio source: Sai Bhajans, Germany, cassettes with the songbook by Heinrich Malina
  • drone (root, keynote) of audio: B
  • drone of music notation on website is always: C
  • recommended drone for group singing: Bb B C C# D Eb