Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba

Great divine Shiva, You are the destroyer.
We bow to You because You are eternal.
We praise Brahma the creator, Vishnu the sustainer, and Shiva who is endowed with the brilliance of the Sun God.
Your wife Uma, Your son Ganesha and His brother Subrahmanyam, who was born in the lake Sharavana, also serve You, o Shiva.

Grosser göttlicher Shiva, Du bist der Zerstörer.
Wir verneigen uns vor Dir, denn Du bist ewig.
Wir ehren Brahma den Schöpfer, Vishnu den Erhalter und Shiva mit der Leuchtkraft des Sonnengottes.
Shiva, Dir dienen auch Deine weise Gemahlin Uma, Euer Sohn Ganesha und dessen Bruder Subrahmanyam, der im See Sharavana geboren wurde.

  • audio source: Zahra & Ali Hussein, Geneva, Switzerland, homerecording
  • drone (root, keynote) of audio: C
  • drone of music notation on website is always: C
  • recommended drone for group singing: A Bb B C C# D