Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba

Sound the drums of Shiva,
Who brings whatever we long for,
Who protects us and gives us joy and all that is good.
Sing Your songs so that they sound like the ringing of Shiva's bells, when He dances His cosmic round.
We sing of Shiva, the destroyer, the protector of His wife Gauri.
We drum and play for Sathya Sai, our protector.

Lasst den Klang von Shivas Trommel ertönen,
Der uns all das bringt, wonach wir verlangen,
Der uns beschützt, der uns die Freude und das Gute bringt.
Lasst Euren Gesang ertönen wie das Klingen von Shivas Glocken, wenn er seinen kosmischen Reigen tanzt.
Wir besingen Shiva, den Zerstörenden, den Beschützer Seiner Gemahlin Gauri.
Wir trommeln und spielen für Sathya Sai, unseren Beschützer.

  • audio source: Sai Bhajans, Germany, cassettes with the songbook by Heinrich Malina
  • drone (root, keynote) of audio: A
  • drone of music notation on website is always: C
  • recommended drone for group singing: B C C# D Eb E