Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Narayana, Yours is the glory, for You are God full of bliss.
As Krishna You had been Vasudeva's son as well as the meaning of life for Your lover Radha.
You are supreme bliss, You are the one to be honoured,
Happy spring-like Krishna,
Sai Narayana, You are verily God.

Sai Narayana, Dir gehört der Triumph, denn Du bist Gott und bist voller Glückseligkeit.
Als Krishna warst Du Vasudevas Sohn und Deiner Verehrerin Radhas Lebenssinn.
Du bist der im höchsten Masse Glückliche, der zu Verehrende,
Der glückselige frühlingshafte Krishna,
Sai Narayana, Du bist wahrlich Gott.

  • audio source: Sai Bhajans, Germany, cassettes with the songbook by Heinrich Malina
  • drone (root, keynote) of audio: Ab
  • drone of music notation on website is always: C
  • recommended drone for group singing: Ab A Bb B C C#